Indonesia-Russia Targeting US$2.5 B in Trade

VIVAnews - Russian delegates of trade and investment held dialog with the management of the Indonesian chamber of commerce to preparing a joint commitment which aims at improving the trade volume of both countries.

According to Chairman of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce MS Hidayat, both countries agree to double the trade volume to US$2.5 billion next year.

"In 2008, the trade volume of both countries reached US$1.4 billion and it is expected that the amount would reach US$2.5 billion in 2010," said Hidayat on Oct 20.

He said that today Russian delegates of 40 will launch a presentation before state oil and gas company Pertamina on new oil and gas exploration technology. "They are seeking partners to explore mines," said Hidayat.

In addition to boosting trade volume, he said that both countries are committed to multiplying investment mainly on mining and heavy machinery sectors.

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Translated by: Bonardo Maulana Wahono

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