Juniper & NSN Offer Carrier Ethernet Solution

VIVAnews - Juniper Network and Nokia Siemens Network cemented a partnership to present an end-to-end carrier ethernet solution to users.

Carrier ethernet is a development from the traditional ethernet which enables the technology to not only deal with local area network (LAN) but also WAN (wide area network).

Both Juniper and Nokia Siemens agreed to form a joint venture to provide their users with carrier ethernet solution for mobile backhaul, business services or broadband network for homes.

The carrier ethernet will have comprehensive functions in terms of scalability, quality of service, reliability and network availability. Its service on IP/MPLS is claimed as being able to save costs to 30 percent.

"We are offering point and click network management system as a solution to the operators in order to meet the quality of service," said Juniper Networks Global Alliance Director Ben Jacobson.

The solution integrates Juniper's expertise in network appliances and Nokia Siemens Networks's optics technology.

Juniper's routers like MX960, MX480, and MX240 sets hi port density routing and switching which brings through energy save, space reduction and cooling costs to 50 percent.

Meanwhile, the A-series Carrier ethernet switching which belongs to Nokia Siemens is an evolution from the Time Division Multiplexing network to the next SDH-class ethernet technology.

The solution will lead to higher voice and data traffic and result in lower costs.

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Translated by: Bonardo Maulana Wahono

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