Aneka Tambang Leads Consortium to Buy Newmont

VIVAnews - Indonesian mining company PT Aneka Tambang Tbk will lead a consortium to acquire 14 percent of share divestment of PT Newmont Nusa Tenggara, which has been the portion for the Indonesian government. The company has instead submitted a written proposal to State Minister of State-owned Enterprises (SOEs).

Although the government has yet to grant official approval, the consortium being formed is a collaboration between SOEs and state investment agency.

"The government has yet to appoint any party. Antam has sent a written proposal highlighting a point that we (Antam) are ready," said State Minister of SOEs Sofyan Djalil on Monday, August 10.

Sofyan said the latest progress showed that Newmont share will be acquired by SOEs and state investment agency. In fact, his party claimed that the finance minister has approved the plan.

According to Sofyan, if the government has officially named Antam, then the company will negotiate with Newmont.

Nikita Mirzani Beberkan Pemicu Kandasnya Jalinan Asmara Hingga Soal Kesetiaan


Translated by: Bonardo Maulana Wahono

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