Dayaindo Resources Aims Coal Supply Deal

VIVAnews - It is reported that PT Dayaindo Resources International Tbk. (KARK) will sign a coal procurement contract with state electricity company PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara.

A VIVAnews anonymous source said the company would likely win the coal procurement tender of PLN's steam power plant project. "The issuer was shortlisted because it owns a shipping company for transporting coals," said the source in Jakarta on Thursday night, June 4.

Dayaindo Resources Corporate Secretary Haris Anwar said the company will indeed propose an offer to PLN for supplying coal. "However, we are yet elected the winner because we have only sent proposal," he told VIVAnews in Jakarta on Friday, June 5.

Dayaindo booked Rp 44.69 billion (US$4.42 million) of net sales for the first three months in 2009, 13.89 percent higher compared to the same period of 2008 worth Rp 39.24 billion.

However, the increase in business liabilities per first quarter of 2009 to Rp 3.86 billion compared to the first quarter of 2008 which valued only Rp 1.60 billion had cut the net profit to Rp 2.90 billion or Rp 1.83 per share than last year's Rp 3.04 billion (Rp 5.52 per share).


Translated by: Ariyantri E. Tarman

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