Investors Fear Ousting over Boediono&Mulyani

VIVAnews - Senior economist at Standard Chartered Bank Fauzi Ichsan revealed that foreign investors are beginning to worry over a manoeuvre set out by some politicians to oust Indonesian Vice President Boediono and Finance Minister Sri Mulyani from their offices.

"Investors from Singapore and other countries are beginning to phone me," he said on Wednesday, Dec 2. The investors wanted to be informed of the Century case.

According to him, the investors are making queries about the progress of the Century case following the rights to inquiry in the House of Representatives (DPR). They initially thought that the Century case was a local concern. But then international media started to headline the case.

In addition, they feared that the ongoing situation faced by the Indonesian vice president and minister of finance will lead to their relegation.

According to Fauzi, foreign investors have faith in the Indonesian government's key figures like Boediono, Sri Mulyani and Mari Elka Pangestu. The three officials are believed as clean, have high credibility and are said as reform symbols. "Boediono is seen as a man having solid experience," he said.

The investors saw recently that the Century case is stressing on the political issue instead of the alleged banking crime. "Where does the issue lead the case to?" he said citing the investors.

"Politicians use the Century case to expel Boediono and Sri Mulyani," he said.

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Translated by: Bonardo Maulana Wahono

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